Thursday, April 28, 2011

shes crafty

I have a ton of red and white felt left over from making Christmas stockings this year, and I don't want to get rid of it just yet, so with some of the white scraps I made a phone cover and stuffed rabbit for Kemper yesterday. I didn't use a pattern or tutorial for anything, its totally from my brain, which explains why the rabbit turned out kinda weird.

I wanted a simple cover to save my phone from the bottom of my purse. So until I find something I can bring myself to spend the money on, I figured this should work. It has a button closure on the back.

And heres the rabbit, Ralph. I wanted it to be bigger, but I always forget to add space for that before I start sewing. I think he's so funny looking its cute. And everything I had on hand at home already. ( I stuffed it with stuffing from a dog toy that Bear destoyed)

And Kemper ate the crayons more than colored with him... but he sat pretty quietly while I sewed. And that face is now his go to picture face.


Marianne said...

Aren't you so craftsy!?!? That bunny reminds me of the rabbits on the wii game raving rabbids.

Beth said...

haha thanks, yeah I thought he turned out pretty funky. I found a simple tutorial for a knitting project I might try out... maybe. :]

Caitlin said...

that rabbit rocks! I like things that aren't perfect :) It has character!