Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We started the cleaning today, and the painting. But the carpets already look 100% better. You can't really tell from the pictures but they needed the steam cleaning baaad. And then the nursery room, one of the upstairs rooms, we primed and will paint later this week.
The best part of today, I got a call from Rachel, a friend in the ward, who is a YW leader and she called to ask about TJ and when I told her we were cleaning she asked if they could come over tonight for mutual (youth group activity) for their service project. There were so many people! They got the bathrooms and windows and kitchen and stairs and just about every surface that could be cleaned! It was amazing!

In Kemper news:
  • He can roll from his tummy to his back, and can almost roll from his back to his tummy. I bet he'll get the hang of it this week
  • He won't take bottles, but he does really well with Aunt Alexa so I can clean!
  • He just discovered G and loves to try and mimic me when I "goo-goo" at him
  • He is teething. I didn't know you could teeth this early. He hasn't popped a tooth, he's just drooling and mouth everything and is fussier.
  • And he is obsessed with blankets, he loves when I lay them over him and he'll hold it and curl it up by his face and fall asleep... I don't have pictures of it on the computer, but they'll be up soon!

1 comment:

Monique said...

G?? Mine teethed at 3 months. It happens and then you get a year or two of drooling babies... ENJOY EVERY MINUTE!

What a great YW group. Do you think they can come here next week?